Meet Stephanie Sierra

Stephanie Sierra a trustee on the board at The Writer’s Garret, and Senior Marketing Coordinator for the Dallas Mavericks.
What excites you about the mission of The Writer’s Garret?
I love connecting with people, and being able to support the literary community through The Writer’s Garret is a new adventure I am ready to explore.
What’s a significant moment in your life when language (speech, headline, book, poem) impacted you and how?
I’m Mexican-American, and my first language was Spanish. When I entered school I had to do ESL (English as a second language) classes, and honestly, it was hard at first. After a few years, though, I developed an enjoyment of reading and writing.
A book you’ve returned to:
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
What’s a favorite piece of writing?
Adelfa B. Callejo, a lawyer of Mexican descent and a civil rights activist, gave me a copy of one of her speeches during my senior year of high school. I was able to attend a dinner where she and her work were recognized for the impact she’d had in the Dallas and Latino community. We were all students hoping to become lawyers ourselves, and we said hello and congratulated her. Once she found out we were high school students, she gave us each copies of her speech to give us motivation.
What’s on your nightstand to read?
Mentor 101 by John C. Maxwell
You’re having a dinner party and you can invite any writer living or dead. Who do you choose and why?Anne Frank. Her diary is so impactful and emotional, and it is just so sad that the events of the book actually occurred. Being able to talk to her and learn how she was able to keep notes of her journey through that time of history would be amazing.