Stone Soup Peer Critique Groups


Stone Soup Peer Critique Groups offer different spaces for growing writers to connect with local Dallas writers. If you’re looking for constructive feedback on your creative writing in an easygoing, close-knit workshop environment, Stone Soup is for you.


New! Emerging Voices
for writers ages 24-36

led by Taylor Alex Hayden
meets 2rd Tuesday, 7-9pm
contact Taylor for more information



led by Alan Gann
meets 3rd Wednesday, 7-9pm
contact Alan for more information



Mixed Genre

led by Sally Matthews
meets 1st & 3rd Sundays, 3PM – 4:30PM
contact Sally for more information
Mixed Genre Guidelines


Prose & Poetry

led by Mark Noble
meets 2nd & 4th Saturdays 10AM – 12PM
contact Mark for more information

Prose & Poetry Guidelines

Be a Part of the Writer's Garret