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Lyceum Series: Daniel DeVaughn – Writing Past Lives: Description At The Threshold

March 16, 2024 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm CDT

Welcome to the lyceum.

These free, monthly workshops are held on the third Saturday of the month, and offer writers of every genre and skill level an opportunity to learn, experiment and develop their craft. We hope you’ll join us!

“Writing Past Lives: Description At The Threshold,” led by Daniel DeVaughn, will be held on March 16, 2024.

In this course, instructor Daniel DeVaughn will guide participants through discussions of  poems in which the poet, or speaker, looks back in memory to who they were and how this informs who they are in the “now” of the poem. In this way, the page becomes a still point, but also a passage from one way of being and seeing in the world to another that is often more expansive, inclusive, or generous. Participants will learn how to use concrete descriptive language, how to play with time and tense to create narrative movement, as well as some common poetic structures that can be useful in shaping our own lived experience.

Click here for syllabus

Daniel DeVaughn is a writer and teacher from Birmingham, Alabama. His poems appear or are forthcoming in Tupelo Quarterly, Poets.org, The Adroit Journal, Southern Humanities Review, The Nashville Review, Texas University Press’ Southern Poetry Anthology Vol. X: Alabama, and elsewhere. He is Reviews and Interviews Editor at the American Literary Review, as well as a Voertman-Ardoin Teaching Fellow at the University of North Texas where he is pursuing a PhD in creative writing.


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March 16, 2024
10:00 am - 12:00 pm CDT


The Writer’s Garret
215 S. Tyler St.
Dallas, TX 75208 United States